Become a successful influencer by creating trackable short Links, QR codes and link in bio Pages for your social media accounts.
Linken din er forkortet. Vil du ha flere tilpasningsmuligheter?
Kom i gang
Our link shortener is cheap and we frequently offer discounts. Use "FREEPALESTINE" at checkout to get a 90% Discount.
En kort link er et kraftig markedsføringsverktøy når du bruker det forsiktig. Det er ikke bare en link, men et mellomrom mellom kunden og deres destinasjon. En kort lenke tillater deg å samle så mye data om dine kunder og deres oppførsel.
Intuitive and trackable links
Customizable and secure QR codes
Simple yet beautiful Bio Pages for your links
Grow your audience by automatically opening mobile apps when the app is installed without any coding knowledge or SDK. Direct customers to download and install apps when not installed on the device. Many popular apps are supported and you can even add your own app links.
Kom i gangYoutube
Hva skjer
Apple Music
We provide you with all the tools you need to increase your productivity.
Opprett en egendefinert destinasjonsside for å markedsføre produktet eller tjenesten din i forkant og engasjere brukeren i markedsføringen.
Bruk overleggsverktøyet vårt til å vise diskrete varsler, avstemninger eller til og med en kontakt på målnettstedet. Flott for kampanjer.
Legg til din egendefinerte piksel fra leverandører som Facebook og spor hendelser rett når de skjer.
Easily apply restrictions to your links and target users in specific countries & languages using specific devices.
Track users with our advanced reporting tool and know exactly which city & country your users are based.
Invite your team members and assign them specific privileges to manage everything and collaborate together.
Easily add your own domain name for short links and take control of your brand name and your users' trust.
Group and organize your Links, Bio Pages and QR Codes. With Campaigns, you can also get aggregated stats.
Bruk vår kraftige API for å bygge tilpassede applikasjoner eller utvide ditt eget program med våre kraftige verktøy.
Å forstå brukerne og kundene dine vil hjelpe deg med å øke konverteringen. Vårt system lar deg spore alt. Hvorvidt det er antall klikk, landet eller henvisningen, er dataene der for å analysere det.
Kom i gangInvite your teammates within seconds and work together as team to manage your Links, Bio Pages and QR codes. Team members can can be assigned specific privileges and can work on different workspaces.
Kom i gangSlack
Google Tag Manager
Connect your links to third-party applications so they can share information such as traffic and analytics.
Kom i gangBing
Google Analytics
Add your custom pixel from providers such as Facebook & Google Tag Manager and track events right when they are happening.
Get notified when users use your links via various channels such Slack and webhook services like Zapier.
You are one click away from taking control of all of your links, and instantly get better results.